Celestial Harvest

Far away the horizon lies,
And far beyond lies space.
The sky is everywhere serene
And light embraces all,
While from the glowing earth
A holy warmth still rises.

What a vision to behold!
Waves golden rippling with the wind
And billows swelling with the breeze,
A spectacle none can describe…
As far as eye can see
Yellow plains where the sky reflects
And the blazing orb seeks rest,
And time itself has limits none…
Fields of inspiration,
The sun himself here finds repast.

Colours, colours without end,
Colours rebelling
In this lake of gold.
The hands of men find work
At eventide from cloistered calm
The melodious chant of monks arises.
O lake immense!
And objects of my works,
A lake of rippling water?
No! A lake of waving wheat!

Joseph Matar