South Lebanon Freed!

It needed no more than a single stone
For giant Goliath to be overthrown.

Brave heroes they were who did not falter
To offer themselves on their Fatherland’s altar
For crushing victory gloriously won
So the South could bask in the rays of the sun.
The children of David, once sure of their fame,
For the first time defeated and covered with shame.
On Lebanon’s land on a moonless night,
Boastful legions gave way to the forces of right.
Lebanon raised up whelps of the lion
To teach a lesson to the sons of Zion.
On the slopes of Mount Hermon a triumph they won
To snatch the laurels from those who had come,
Once flaunting their valour in mechanized might,
Now turning homewards to hide their plight.

Now our whole nation raises its voice,
Now all its people together rejoice.

Joseph Matar
All rights reserved © LebanonArt
Translated from the French: K.J.Mortimer