The Sixth Triad 16-17-18
Joachim crushing the serpent’s head.
In the corner to the right Anne in motherhood, holding the infant Virgin Mary, then Mary growing up, and a Holy Virgin filling the canvas; a great oval form unites the three works, with a rain of flowers and of angels.
The six following canvases are consecrated to Mary.
The Annunciation.
This is the second canvas, a work of cosmic conception. The Holy Virgin is shown on her knees before the angel Gabriel, who has come to announce to her the great event.
In the third canvas we see the Visitation, with Mary in child welcomed by Elisabeth, also in child with John the Baptist.
There is a door reminiscent of the Holy Cross.
There is a jar of water and a shower of flowers from Paradise , with the tiled floor of the room in the forefront.

The Sixth Triad 16-17-18
Joachim crushing the serpent’s head.
In the corner to the right Anne in motherhood, holding the infant Virgin Mary, then Mary growing up, and a Holy Virgin filling the canvas; a great oval form unites the three works, with a rain of flowers and of angels.
The six following canvases are consecrated to Mary.
The Annunciation.
This is the second canvas, a work of cosmic conception. The Holy Virgin is shown on her knees before the angel Gabriel, who has come to announce to her the great event.
In the third canvas we see the Visitation, with Mary in child welcomed by Elisabeth, also in child with John the Baptist.
There is a door reminiscent of the Holy Cross.
There is a jar of water and a shower of flowers from Paradise , with the tiled floor of the room in the forefront.