Masterpieces – The History of a Period
A martyred nation (140 x 185 cm – 1977)
On the soil of this tortured Lebanon, under a murky sky and among phantom villages, one sees a hermitage and a cosmic crucifixion with even Our Savior under threat, scenes of torture, a mother and her children fleeing in terror. To the right, a tree that serves as a gallows, even for a dog, a holy monk being executed, maidens who are raped, corpses scattered on the ground.
So many details! Here the artist tells the story of all the days of his life. A geometry of circular lines dominates the work, and the sun illuminates all. Only the hearts that are hard and cruel are haloed by darkness. One individual begs his butcher for mercy.
There is a little girl drawn close to her mother, and there are merchants of skulls, drinkers of blood and cut-throats. Before such a work a man asks where he stands. Only the wide stretch of the blue sea with its touches of green allows a gleam of hope, some chance of evasion.