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Reviving an old painting & preparing a new palette
Reviving an old painting by artist Joseph Matar and preparing a new palette - إحياء لوحة قديمة
Twilight Return – Art painting by Joseph Matar
Twilight Return - Art painting by Joseph Matar - عودة الشفق - لوحة فنية للرسام والشاعر جوزيف مطر
Aitou, my love, painting
Aitou, my love, Oil painting on wood board 49.5x61 cm, 2023 by artist painter and poet Joseph
Joseph Matar Signature
Joseph Matar Signature - The artist painter and poet signing a few artistic sketches and drawings توقيع
Reviving artist’s palette, art, painter and poet Joseph Matar
Reviving the artist's palette with artist painter and poet Joseph Matar إحياء لوحة ألوان الفنان الرسام والشاعر
Waiting near the Cliff artist painter and poet Joseph Matar
Waiting near the Cliff - Attente près de la Falaise - Oil painting 81.5x100 cm الانتظار بالقرب