Joseph Matar Signature
Joseph Matar Signature - The artist painter and poet signing a few artistic sketches and drawings توقيع الفنان الرسام والشاعر
By william Matar|2023-06-21T05:25:42+02:00June 21st, 2023|Latest News|
Joseph Matar Signature - The artist painter and poet signing a few artistic sketches and drawings توقيع الفنان الرسام والشاعر
By william Matar|2023-06-16T17:27:13+02:00June 16th, 2023|Latest News|
Reviving the artist's palette with artist painter and poet Joseph Matar إحياء لوحة ألوان الفنان الرسام والشاعر جوزيف مطر
By william Matar|2023-05-20T18:41:12+02:00May 20th, 2023|Latest News|
Waiting near the Cliff - Attente près de la Falaise - Oil painting 81.5x100 cm الانتظار بالقرب من الجرف -
By william Matar|2023-04-07T16:34:38+02:00April 7th, 2023|Latest News|
Saint Charbel Makhlouf a vision by artist painter and poet Joseph Matar - Vision de l'artiste - رؤية الفنان
By william Matar|2023-04-02T07:18:51+02:00April 2nd, 2023|Latest News|
Feminine Breath - Oil art painting, 61.5x46 cm by artist painter and poet Joseph Matar
By william Matar|2023-03-12T18:24:33+02:00March 12th, 2023|Latest News|
Presenting an artwork by artist Joseph Matar using time-lapse photography, watch how the artist painted the artwork and completed the
By william Matar|2023-01-30T08:25:04+02:00January 30th, 2023|Latest News|
New small-size artwork by artist painter and poet Joseph Matar, Lamartine, oil painting on board, 46x38 cm, 2023
By william Matar|2023-01-03T13:31:53+02:00January 3rd, 2023|Latest News|
Art gallery, Original Artworks by Artist-Painter and Poet Joseph Matar - Art Retrospective Year 2022
By william Matar|2022-12-14T10:37:02+02:00December 13th, 2022|Latest News|
Artist painter and poet Joseph Matar working on one of his art palettes... when creation brings beauty! Art flower paintings
By william Matar|2022-08-28T15:02:24+02:00August 14th, 2022|Latest News|
Are you in California San Francisco Bay Area on August 27, 2022? Visit the Lebanese Festival with Authentic Lebanese Food,