La revue du Liban No 3979, du 11 au 18 Décembre 2004
At the Gallery Surface Libre d’Art: Joseph Matar ... a foretaste of paradise with this magician of light Joseph
By jasoneldebs|2019-07-21T06:26:35+02:00July 18th, 2019|Articles & Press, Joseph Matar|
At the Gallery Surface Libre d’Art: Joseph Matar ... a foretaste of paradise with this magician of light Joseph
By jasoneldebs|2019-07-27T13:50:14+02:00July 18th, 2019|Articles & Press, Joseph Matar|
Reportage - Plumes Magiques Numéro 3, Lycée Franco-Libanais Al Maayssra Nahr Ibrahim Aperçu de la vie du peintre L'artiste
By jasoneldebs|2019-07-21T05:59:53+02:00July 18th, 2019|Articles & Press, Joseph Matar|
Through the Palette's Eye exhibit goes to CCP Press Release - After a year-long university tour, “Through the Palette’s Eye”
By jasoneldebs|2019-07-21T05:48:57+02:00July 18th, 2019|Articles & Press, Joseph Matar|
Joseph MATTAR - un peintre à la croisée des chemins par Sylvain Thomas – AlBalad, Quotidien d’informations générales (Samedi
By jasoneldebs|2019-07-19T15:02:21+02:00June 24th, 2019|Essay Creative Writing, Joseph Matar|
Yvette: To be without work, to have nothing to do, to be unemployed for lack of available jobs,
By jasoneldebs|2019-07-19T15:02:06+02:00June 24th, 2019|Essay Creative Writing, Joseph Matar|
Youssef, the Chosen: Under every form and at every level, from primary school to university, instruction may be
By jasoneldebs|2019-07-19T15:01:51+02:00June 24th, 2019|Essay Creative Writing, Joseph Matar|
A Vocation: A vocation means a call from somewhere out there beyond, a favor received from heaven. Like
By jasoneldebs|2019-07-19T15:01:29+02:00June 24th, 2019|Essay Creative Writing, Joseph Matar|
Vendetta: Lebanon is a land of mountains, with high peaks and deep valleys and gorges. There are mighty
By jasoneldebs|2019-07-19T15:00:48+02:00June 24th, 2019|Essay Creative Writing, Joseph Matar|
The Tree, My Soul Man creates civilizations, is an artist, a poet, a builder, a researcher, a scholar,
By jasoneldebs|2019-07-19T15:00:16+02:00June 24th, 2019|Essay Creative Writing, Joseph Matar|
To Sabine, a Pure, Young Girl (for Frederick her brother) In this our dear East, a short time