جوزيف مطر: اللون خبرة حياة
جوزيف مطر: اللون خبرة حياة - حاورته: ضحى عبدالرؤوف المل - كاتبة لبنانية الصباح الثقافي - الأربعاء 5 تشرين
By william Matar|2022-10-06T15:04:05+02:00October 6th, 2022|Articles & Press, Joseph Matar|
جوزيف مطر: اللون خبرة حياة - حاورته: ضحى عبدالرؤوف المل - كاتبة لبنانية الصباح الثقافي - الأربعاء 5 تشرين
By william Matar|2022-08-19T16:05:10+02:00August 19th, 2022|Articles & Press, Joseph Matar|
Aliwaa newspaper: An article from August 2022 (Arabic) - Un article d'Aout 2022 (En Arabe) فلسفة الفن التشكيلي
By william Matar|2022-08-28T15:02:24+02:00August 14th, 2022|Latest News|
Are you in California San Francisco Bay Area on August 27, 2022? Visit the Lebanese Festival with Authentic Lebanese Food,
By william Matar|2022-07-24T14:18:11+02:00July 24th, 2022|Latest News|
Joseph Matar painted a new artwork, Christic Moment, painting by artist painter Joseph Matar, Lebanon Art
By william Matar|2022-06-17T14:00:06+02:00June 17th, 2022|Latest News|
From Lebanon with Suroyo Tv Lebanon, the art studio of artist painter and poet Joseph Matar art painting
By william Matar|2022-06-11T04:41:17+02:00June 11th, 2022|Latest News|
Joseph Matar artist's palettes, art treasure 2022 curious art items, paint on the palettes رسام فنان
By william Matar|2022-06-10T19:08:59+02:00June 10th, 2022|Latest News|
An art exhibition of the artworks of artist painter and poet Joseph Matar - Surface Libre Gallery, JAL EL DIB
By william Matar|2022-06-10T18:45:47+02:00April 6th, 2022|Latest News|
Learn how artist-painter Joseph Matar paints the face portrait of Jesus-Christ - Visage Jésus-Christ https://www.youtube.com/embed/XUv204lT-gM
By william Matar|2022-06-10T18:50:22+02:00April 3rd, 2022|Latest News|
The artist painter & poet Joseph Matar shows us his treasure - Unique Art Palettes https://www.youtube.com/embed/3EKJxQSjJMQ
By jasoneldebs|2022-02-03T19:59:23+02:00January 29th, 2022|Essay Creative Writing, Joseph Matar|
Love and creation What does love, create mean? Love whom? And Create what? An act, a work of